Sunday, September 4, 2011

Well well well.. It has been some time since I have wrote on this blog.  I have been busy with Stephen and getting things ready for the baby.  We have finally got everything but a diaper bag and swing for Nadia.   
I have been making a lot of really simple dinners due to that it hurts my feet to stand in front of the stove for a long period of time.  I have ,however, got some really nice corn and green beans from the Farmers Market here on the West side of Milwaukee where we live.  I have stocked up on it and froze it all to use during the winter time so I do not have to buy veggies like corn and green beans during the winter time.  It will save a little bit of money.  Not much but a little.  Little bits of savings here and there do go a long way in the end.

Oh I forgot to mention that we also got some blueberries because they were looking really good at the Farmers Market as well.  I washed them and let them dry completely and then frozen them.  I will be making Blueberry muffins, pancakes, etc.. I love blueberries.  mmmmmmmm

Along with the savings we have to try different kinds of foods that we would not usually buy that are on sale.  Our local grocery store had these frozen single breaded chicken breast on sale in the frozen section and I made them one night.  They have like butter and chives in the middle of them.. I got those and I also got the kind that have Cheddar and broccoli in the middle of it.  All in all they were ok,  Not the greatest but they were alright.  I might have cooked them a little to much but I am weird when it comes to chicken.  I want to make sure its done, done.  hah

With the chicken i made fried taters (potatoes) and had a nice spinach and romaine salad with it.  It was a pretty nice dinner.  It satisfied me and Stephen.  He ate it and liked it, so i guess that is a win right there. 
Well I will more then likely start cooking a lot more since that its starting to get cooler and I can run the oven and stove more often now. 
Well I hope that everyone has a great Labor Day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

What we had for Dinner tonight!

Well, Well.. Tonight I fixed some Italian Chicken, Fried taters and some butter corn :)
It is all very simple to prepare.  
With the chicken all i did was take a casserole dish and added water, butter, italian seasoning and some parsely and also I put some pepper and salt and baked it at 400 for about an hour ( the chicken was frozen)
With the corn all it was is frozen caron with 2 Tblspoons of REAL butter and some pepper and alittle bit of butter then you cover it and let it simmer til its hot.
The taters are easy too.  Get a deep skillet and some veggie oil and heat the oil up(about a enough to just cover the bottom of the skillet.).  Slice your taters so they make little circles.  Put them in the oil and let em fry til they are soft and or golden brown.  Then its done!  :)
Very yummie and Stephen agrees with me :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fry Bread

So i attempted to make Fry Bread tonight.  It did not turn out so well.  I did everything on the recipe I had.  I just think that I need a different one.  I will try different ones tomorrow and see how they turn out.  I wanted to make some for Stephen to take to work with him but it didnt happen.
You are prolly wondering what Fry Bread is.  Well its an Native American type of bread that you take basically flour, water, baking powder and whatever else that you want to put in it.  I tried just the original kind and its so much harder then you think.  I think that I might have kneaded it to much or just didnt have enough water.  O well.  I will try it tomorrow and hopefully I will get it right and surprise Stephen with it.  He has been wanting to have it ever since we went to Indian Summer Festival last year and had it.  He is Native American and loves that kinda food.  So I am trying.  lol  
Please wish me luck =]

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Peanut Butter Cookies

1 egg
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of your favorite kind of peanut butter. (creamy or crunchy)
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Grease your baking sheet.

In your mixing bowl combine together the peanut butter, sugar, egg and the vanilla extract with a spoon until the mixture is smooth and creamy looking.
Roll the dough into balls about the size of a walnut.  Take a fork and dip it in some flour(so it doesn't stick to the cookies) and make a crisscross pattern on top of the balls to press them down a little bit. 
Bake for about 12 mins.  Take them out of the oven and sprinkle them with some sugar if you desire.  Let them cool on a cooling rack or somewhere where its not on the oven. 

Well i am hoping to get some recipes up here in a few!  I am going to look for some and put some up.  I will put up the ones that I have made so far!